Today is National Wait Staff Day! Hell must be freezing over.
That's right world, a day to recognize the people who:
- make your mojitos
- recommend wine pairings
- put up with you ordering one drink at a time
- tell you the specials
- take your picture with 5 different cameras
- clear your plates
- seat you
- take your reservations
- get you more ketchup
- get you more ranch
- listen to you list everything you're allergic to
- listen to you complain about the traffic and how long it took you to get to the restaurant
- have to interrupt you when you're making out at the table
- have to maintain professionalism even when your right boob has popped out of your dress
- take your order when you're breastfeeding your child
- bring you another knife when you can't see the one in front of you
- split your check
- take 8 forms of payment
- have to cut you off when you've had too much to drink
- put up with you writing "can't tip. Mother of two" on the gratuity line
- refill your water.
- refill your water
- refill your water
- refill your water
- refill your water
- put up with you when you say, "put some extra alcohol in my drink"
- bring you hot water with lemon
- bring you extra lemons
- bring you another basket of bread
- bring you more silverware
- smile when you yell about how long it took for your food to arrive
- smile when you complain about the color of our aprons
- maneuver around your kids running around the restaurant when we are carrying drinks on a tray
- sympathize with you when your blind date stands you up
- get scrutinized by you on Yelp
- get stiffed by White, Black, Mexican, German, Italian, Asian, Australian, Brazilian, Canadian, and French people
Uhg! We should take the day off and just have our managers work.
Until next time... Server's don't pay their rent with compliments.
"Bitter. Party of 1? Your table is ready."
The Bitter Bistro
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