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Showing posts from April, 2009

Please and Thank you

Two words that used to mean so much are clearly absent from the English language, "Please," and, "Thank-you." Especially in restaurants. Of all places you'd want to treat someone nicely, it's the place that brings you food and drink that was prepared OUT of your line-of-vision. Now, I'm not going to go into any horror stories of spitting in food or drink. I personally, have never seen a chef spit in a customer's food. One time I did witnessed the bartender spit in a martini. (Aiden!) But it was a "Lychee Martini," who would noticed? Am I right? Hello! Customers seem to feel that once they have set up camp at their table, that they own the entire forest. Including treating the waitstaff like animals. Barking orders. Yelling at the server from across the restaurant. Snapping fingers. Whatever! A pleasurable dining experience is ultimately in the hands of the servers/bartenders/bussers. Let us do our jobs, so you don't feel...