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Showing posts from October, 2009

Child baggage

This "bistro" blog is going outside of the boundary for a bit to look into the world of checking baggage on airplanes. More specifically: Children. If anybody should get a discounted airline ticket, it should be the adults. On a recent flight from LAX to Chicago O'Hare, the almost four hour flight was a non-sleeping flight due to a five year old boy who kept kicking the back of my seat. His parents were sitting on either side of him managed to do nothing about the situation. What made the situation even worse, the child has an allergy to dairy, yet the parents didn't bother to bring any appropriate snacks for their kid, allergy or not. And then the parents expected the flight attendants to be able to handle the situation, but most domestic flights don't carry a wide variety of food choices suitable for children with dairy allergies. (Too bad.) Through the flight of kicking and much screaming and crying, (I'll admit, some crying was my own,) the child ...