Throughout my career in the service industry, I have been bombarded by all sorts of random questions. Everything from, "where's the bathroom," to "Does anybody here sell weed?" It is the servers job to answer each question with professionalism, tact, and a straight face. The first two I can still handle. The latter, I gave up on years ago. I can't believe some of the questions that come out of the mouths of some people. It is pure torture, and gives me some insight of what the Spanish Inquisition was all about. (Okay, maybe not that crazy, but you haven't dealt with some of the characters that have sat in my section.) One night, I had the leader of the "Inquisition" sitting in my section. She wins the prize for asking the most ridiculous questions in one sitting. "Is the Tuna Tartar very raw?" She asked. "For most people, yes. Most places don't normally ask for a temperature on the Tartar, but for you, we...
I am the leader of the server revolution! Taking the power away from the customers and putting it back in the hands of the bartenders and servers. Yelp off!!!