Who can forget the scene from "Fletch," when Mr. Underhill gives the server a hard time for taking his plate too soon. Mr. Underhill : "Does it look like I'm finished?" Waiter : "I guess not." Mr. Underhill : "Now, I'm finished." Waiter : "Whatever you say, Mr. Underhill." Mr. Underhill : "I imagine you're expecting a nice gratuity, right? Maybe next time!" Customers have no idea when they are finished eating. Utensils crossing the plate; plates pushed away and arms folded. Even stacking plates on top of eachother, but yet, I go to clear the table and it's, "I'M NOT DONE! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!?" We need to hire a Third Base Coach for restaurants, so they can signal the servers as to when the customer is done eating, so we can clear the table safely. There have been many occasions when I was snapped at by a customer, and I thought that I was going to be missing some fi
I am the leader of the server revolution! Taking the power away from the customers and putting it back in the hands of the bartenders and servers. Yelp off!!!