There are too many choices for milk nowadays. Organic. Almond. Breast?
Soon "breast milk" will be the new craze everywhere, and people will be ordering it for their Lattes thanks to the constant problem of breast feeding in restaurants.
The policia teta have been called upon again to smack the cuffs on the latest perpetrators of breast feeders in restaurants. This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time. But to celebrate my 100th Bitter Bistro post, what better way to celebrate then to debate the issues of breast feeding in restaurants.
I am going to say that I am "pro boob," but I am against them being out to feed your child while you are dining in a restaurant. I get it. It's natural, it's best for your child, but most people go out to a restaurant for a good time, and your breast-feeding is not included in the price of an entree.
"Waiter! Can you do something about this? That woman's breast is exposed and I'm trying to eat!" a man said to me during one of my shifts. Like I've said before in many of my posts, servers deal with a lot more than what's on the actual job description. Confrontations with guests and mammary glands have now been added to the list.
The only time that I, (and probably most people,) approve of exposed breasts, is when they are the star of the show. Not co-starring with some kid feeding on the end of it. See my other post BOOBIES. This topic has created quite a stir amongst the service industry bloggers on the World Wide Web. Scroll down on The Bitchy Waiter's Facebook Page to see the many comments on this subject. And he is not on the side of mothers.
But you know who is? The Huffington Post. They jumped onboard to defend mothers everywhere, saying that if a child needs to be nurtured, then mothers should "nurture away."
But where is the line of decency that lets a woman feed her child, while others feel comfortable around it? For me, it comes down to money. If I am called over by one of my tables to field complaints about another one of my tables who is breast feeding, than it has become my issue. And most of the time, my tip has now been affected by a mother who just thought that she was nursing her child. The reality is, I just got nursed out of a tip by the complainers. And now I've gotta play Boob Cop to a new mom.
"Pardon me, Ma'am? I'm gonna have to ask you to holster that breast. (Drawing my gun) Kid, drop that tit, and crawl away!"
If this happens anymore, the only thing servers can do, is charge a corkage. A "flat-tit" fee.
Agree? Disagree? Comment below...
Until next time... Server's don't pay their rent with compliments.
"Bitter. Party of 1? Your table is ready."
The Bitter Bistro