I appreciate it when a customer let's me know up front when they have allergies, but this still makes me laugh. How many people do you know that are allergic to leeks, broccoli, or cauliflower? I wish that I had one of these cards as a kid. Great way to get out of eating your vegetables.
Parent to child: "You're not going anywhere until you eat your vegetables."
Child: "I can't. I'm allergic! Read the damn card!"
Here's how the conversation went with this lady when I served her.
Me: "and what can I get for you? "
Lady: " I'll have the Tiramisu."
Me: "What about for your entree?"
Lady: "That is my entree"
Until next time... Server's don't pay their rent with compliments.
"Bitter. Party of 1? Your table is ready."
The Bitter Bistro
i have a life, i also have a crap-job that i spend some of my time reading blogs like yours.
i get pure satisfaction reading the daily crap that we all go through, but written by someone way more eloquent than i.
so, i am sorry, i will miss your old posts, but cannot wait weeks for new input. too many out there, and you are no longer one of them for me.
thanks for the months of reading your archives, but it's time for new bloggings and current posts.
maybe you should cancel yours until you have time to do it justice, as you have in the past.