What better way to get through the work week than to pick on the people who's parents truly should have considered contraceptives before having sex, the people who write negative reviews on Yelp.com.
As always, I have found someone who embodies the spirit of "douchebaggery." Who alone, stands to make a mark on the world because he is THAT important. (And by mark, I mean skid mark.)
Scott B., from Beverly Hills, CA makes the list. His review is short, direct, and abrupt, because he's "got places to go people!" Here's what Scott had to say about one restaurant in Los Angeles:
"If you have an unlimited amount of time and an equally unlimited amount of patience, than this place might be worth it." It's nice to see that Scott was stepping out of his box to test himself on this theory.
"If I ever indeed got serviced within the time frame I had to eat, I might chance the food again!" Since Scott is obviously an alien, he is only allowed to eat between certain portals of time everyday. If that portal closes, he's screwed! I felt bad for Scott's next appointment.
Scott, on behalf of planet Earth, I would like to say, YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT!!! If you are that much in a hurry, go to Taco Bell. That is why Taco Bell was created by the universe, for people like you. "TACO BELL--When you're in a hurry for the food to go in, and out."
Scott B., from Beverly Hills, CA, YOU GOT YELPED!!!
Until next time... Server's don't pay their rent with compliments.
"Bitter. Party of one? Your table is ready."
The Bitter Bistro